Looking to add new sales channel online? — Turtlesegg.com

1 min readJun 8, 2022


The Sad Reality…Growing a brand and sales has become increasingly challenging with established brick and mortar big box retailers and established online marketplaces as they continually focus on their private labels.

Blatantly competing with their own vendors and brand owners. Essentially reducing or in some instances fully eliminating the vendors who have supported and helped them grow for decades.

The Solution

TurtlesEgg.com with its unique vision is the only marketplace that offers its “Seller Partners” based in the USA a low cost, easy to sign-up and get started on growing sales.

Join Us

In a short time since we have launched we have 1000’s of product for consumers to choose from verified sellers all based in the USA.

We continue to seek reputed brands and resellers who are based in the USA.

Start now, choose a plan and apply for a seller account and/or Email Seller@TurtlesEgg.com

#Newsalesonlinechannel, #BusinessPlace, #EcommerceRrowth, #Multivendor, #OnlineShopping, #EcommerceMarketplace, #SellerPartners, USA, #TurtlesEgg, #SellerPlans, #UnitedStates

